ArchiMate® Tool Certification Register


ArchiMate® 3 Certified Tools

There are 12 tools from 12 organizations.

All tools listed below are certified for conformance to the ArchiMate® Version 3.0.1 Specification or ArchiMate® Version 3.1 where advised.

Organization Tool Name First Certified Renewal Conformance
Certificate Version
Avolution ABACUS 5.0 or later 24-Apr-2017 24-Apr-2025 3.0.1

Enterprise Studio and Horizzon, version 4 and above: conformant with ArchiMate 3.1

24-Apr-2017 24-Apr-2025 3.1
BOC Products & Services AG


24-Sep-2020 24-Sep-2024 3.1


07-Jan-2019 07-Jan-2025 3.0.1
Mega International

HOPEX for the ArchiMate® Framework (HOPEX V4.1)

26-Mar-2019 26-Mar-2025 3.1

Obeo SmartEA

17-Apr-2020 17-Apr-2026 3.1
Orbus Software

iServer 2019 or later

21-Mar-2018 21-Mar-2026 3.1
QPR Software Plc

QPR EnterpriseArchitect 2019.1

17-Oct-2019 17-Oct-2025 3.0.1

Modelio BA - ArchiMate EA - Version 5.1

24-Apr-2017 24-Apr-2025 3.1

ArchiMate® Based Enterprise Architecture Asset Development Tool

24-Sep-2020 24-Sep-2024 3.1
Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect 16 and above 21-Apr-2023 21- Apr-2025 3.1

Visual Paradigm International Ltd.

Visual Paradigm Enterprise Edition 14.0 above 21-Sep-2017 21-Sep-2025 3.0.1


All tools that are currently certified are listed in the public Tool Certification Register.

If you are a vendor with a certified tool and you’re aware of any vendor claiming that its tool supports The Open Group ArchiMate® standard or marketing such tool as certified, but the tool is not listed in this register of certified tools, we encourage you to report this vendor by sending an email to . Please include a link to the web page advertising the tool and Open Group staff will follow up with the vendor to bring them into compliance.

Authorization is granted to organizations currently listed on this register to reproduce their own certificate(s) for business use.