Open Process™ Automation Certification - SAMPLE PAGE

A standards-based, open, secure, and interoperable process control architecture which:

  • Enables access to leading edge capability
  • Allows integration of best-in-class components
  • Preserves asset owners' application software; Significantly lowers cost of future replacement
  • Promotes innovation and value creation
  • Applies across multiple process industries
  • Promotes innovation and value creation
  • Is commercially available
  • Is an inclusive collaboration between users and suppliers to provide the framework for an open systems architecture innovation and value creation

See our Getting Started Page for Links to the O-PAS Certification Program

What is a Profile?

A Profile is a documented and logical set of Conformance Requirements that defines the capabilities a Product must support in order to be certified.
For Test Tools, it is a documented and logical set of Conformance Requirements that defines the capabilities a Test Tool must support in order to be Recognized.

Profiles Available for Certification


Profile Description What to expect from this Profile
GDS-001 Global Discovery Server Profile The GDS-001: Global Discovery Server (GDS) Profile defines the minimum functionality necessary for a Product to provide system-wide GDSs. This Profile is described in Part 4 of the O-PAS standard.
NET-101 Ethernet to Ethernet Network Profile The NET-101 Single-e2e Profile is a Single Ethernet Profile with end-to-end measurement over Layer 3 (Internet Protocol) time sync.
NET-102 Peer to Peer Network Profiler The NET-102 Single-p2p Profile is a Single Ethernet Profile with peer-to-peer measurement over Layer 2 Ethernet time sync.
OCF-001 OPC UA Connectivity Profile The OCF-001: OPC UA Client/Server Profile defines the minimum functionality necessary for a Product to conform to the O-PAS Connectivity Framework (OCF) using an underlying OPC UA client/server communication model. This Profile is described in Part 4 of the O-PAS standard.
OSM-003 Redfish System Management Profile The OSM-003 profile is an in-band profile, meaning that it includes a software agent that runs in the OS and interacts with the OS to access the hardware management functionality. Additionally, this profile provides information about the OS including metrics and the DCN
PP-002 Physical Platform Profile The PP-002: Physical Platform Profile is the minimum set of requirements for all full integrated nodes participating in an O-PAS system.. This Profile is described in Part 7 of the O-PAS standard.
PP-003 Regulatory Physical Platform Profile The PP-003: Regulatory Physical Platform Profile extends the base functionality of the PP-002 Profile to include requirements for a regulatory control device. This Profile is described in Part 7 of the O-PAS standard.

What is a Body of Knowledge?

It is the collection of normative documents from which the Conformance Requirements are derived.

What are Conformance Requirements?

The Conformance Requirements are derived from the rules (shall, must) and recommendations (should, may) described in the Body of Knowledge and conveys the criteria to be fulfilled.

What is a Verification Matrix?

A document that identifies the Conformance Requirements for each Profile and describes how those Conformance Requirements will be verified.

What is a Verification Unit?

The breakdown of a Conformance Requirement so that the requirement has a binary pass/fail outcome.

Certified Products

Verbiage about what it means to be a Certified Product